Homeschooling High School: Teenage Homeschoolers
What's Popular
The College Board
So Cal Homeschool Teen Connection
Homeschool Diploma
Choosing Homeschooling High School Curriculum
Choosing A Good Course Title is Important
The High School Solution
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education
African-American Unschool Teens
How to Homeschool High School
Homeschool Curriculum Choices for High School
Annie & Everything
Homeschool Fun for Silicon Valley Teens
What You Need to Know Before Homeschooling High School
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Choosing High School Homeschool Curriculum
Homeschooling High School for Teens
Real Lives: Eleven Teenagers Who Don't Go to School
The High School Solution
Lee Binz offers guidance and coaching through every age and stage of homeschooling middle school and high school. This training and resource guide is for parents of 7th through 12th graders. Binz offers training on every issue and obstacle you may face during your homeschooling high school journey, an extensive collection of resources for common questions, and ongoing help and support.
What You Need to Know Before Homeschooling High School
Congratulations! You've decided to homeschool your high schoolers. Now what? This essay offers encouragement, planning tips, and information on community resources, dual credit at home, and more.
Homeschool from the Other Side
Enjoy this essay by a homeschool grad, Maggie Tynan, as she recounts her experiences being a homeschooled teen. There are many ways in which you can do this, and it will be different for every family. There is no one “right” way to homeschool. It depends on the mom, the child, the situation, the subject and a multitude of other things.
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
And What About College?: How Homeschooling Can Lead to Admissions to the Best Colleges & Universities
Annie & Everything
Ann Karako offers support and guidance for families with homeschooling teenagers. With articles, support, and resources, you'll find the information and confidence you need to homeschool your high school student here.
Blog, She Wrote: Embracing the Independent and Authentic Nature of Homeschooling
This extensive blog offers support for parents homeschooling through high school, with information on planning high school homeschool, creating electives, preparing for college, writing essays, teaching science, navigating college selection, and more!
It's Not That Hard to Homeschool High School
Homeschooling high school can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be that hard. This group offers support to homeschooling parents to share tips and encouragement, from choosing curriculum to parenting advice.
Goal-Based Planning for High School
Student's goals are very important when planning for high school and the future. This guide will give you information on putting together a high school plan, early graduation for homeschoolers, goal-based planning, electives, and transcripts.
Electives & Extracurriculars for Homeschoolers
Choosing Homeschool High School Electives Based on 16 Career Clusters
When deciding on a homeschool curriculum, taking into consideration first what the law says is required. After that, explore what colleges are look for, what preparation you will need for courses and testing, and what electives you'll then add on. Electives can help your student explore his/her passions and can bring joy to your homeschooling. Plus, college and universities are interested in what your child is interested in.
Choosing Electives for Homeschooling High School
Homeschoolers have so many choices when it comes to electives. This essay looks at several different subjects that can be used as electives and offers resources and information. You'll find so many ideas about how to incorporate electives and extracurricular activities into your high school curriculum.
Goal-Based Planning for High School
Student's goals are very important when planning for high school and the future. This guide will give you information on putting together a high school plan, early graduation for homeschoolers, goal-based planning, electives, and transcripts.
Support for Homeschooling High School Teens
So Cal Homeschool Teen Connection
African-American Unschool Teens
Homeschool Fun for Silicon Valley Teens
Real Lives: Eleven Teenagers Who Don't Go to School
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Choosing High School Curriculum
Choosing Homeschooling High School Curriculum
Preparing for homeschooling high school can seem like a big job, but it just takes some planning. It is important to choose a curriculum that meets both your needs and, more importantly, those of your high school student. This essay explains the best approach, looking at student goals, style of instruction, content, outsourcing, and dual credit, CLEP, and AP options.
How to Plan High School Core Courses in Your Homeschool
Planning for those all-important core courses is very doable and actually doesn't require too much effort. By following the general sequence for most subjects, you will be able to effectively and successfully plan for your child's high school years. These core courses include: math, science, history/social studies, English, and a foreign language.
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum: A Guide to Catholic Home Education
In this book, Laura Berquist offers a curriculum based on the philosophy of the classical Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This valuable tools helps home educators craft a liberal arts curriculum that is good for both the soul and the intellect. The material in the book covers grades K-12 and has detailed and practical advice. There is also a section for a high school curriculum and a list of resources.
Homeschool Curriculum Choices for High School
Choosing a high school curriculum for a homeschooler can feel daunting. It presents a greater challenge when your child has special needs. This guide will help you choose a homeschool high school curriculum for a student with dyslexia.
Annie & Everything
Ann Karako offers support and guidance for families with homeschooling teenagers. With articles, support, and resources, you'll find the information and confidence you need to homeschool your high school student here.
Blog, She Wrote: Embracing the Independent and Authentic Nature of Homeschooling
This extensive blog offers support for parents homeschooling through high school, with information on planning high school homeschool, creating electives, preparing for college, writing essays, teaching science, navigating college selection, and more!
It's Not That Hard to Homeschool High School
Homeschooling high school can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be that hard. This group offers support to homeschooling parents to share tips and encouragement, from choosing curriculum to parenting advice.
Choosing Homeschool High School Electives Based on 16 Career Clusters
When deciding on a homeschool curriculum, taking into consideration first what the law says is required. After that, explore what colleges are look for, what preparation you will need for courses and testing, and what electives you'll then add on. Electives can help your student explore his/her passions and can bring joy to your homeschooling. Plus, college and universities are interested in what your child is interested in.
Goal-Based Planning for High School
Student's goals are very important when planning for high school and the future. This guide will give you information on putting together a high school plan, early graduation for homeschoolers, goal-based planning, electives, and transcripts.
Homeschool Graduation & Diplomas
Homeschool Diploma
Entrance Exams & Testing for Homeschoolers
The College Board
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
The Princeton Review
Homeschool Transcripts
Choosing A Good Course Title is Important
As you prepare your child's high school transcript, take care to choose course titles that help build a strong transcript. Course titles should reflect the content of the course and should be in the appropriate category. This guide offers tips on course title selection for your homeschool transcript.
AP, CLEP, DE, and Honors Courses
Homeschooling offers the opportunity to design a plan of study that is tailored to the need of each student. This customization can include: honors classes, music, art, dual enrollment, vocational training, business experience, and other courses that arise from the student's goals and interests. This guide helps you know how to include these credits on your homeschool transcript.
How to Determine Credits
This guide will help you put together your homeschooled high school student's transcript. Explains early credits, full credits, half credits, and special courses such as AP, dual enrollment, honors, and CLEP.
Transcripts and Portfolios
A good high school transcript reflects the individualized progress of a homeschooled student's academic experience and work. These tips will help you build a strong transcript and portfolio of student work.
Goal-Based Planning for High School
Student's goals are very important when planning for high school and the future. This guide will give you information on putting together a high school plan, early graduation for homeschoolers, goal-based planning, electives, and transcripts.
Featured Resources
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